How to Customize Your Dashboard

How to Customize Your Dashboard


Customize Your Dashboard


One of the things we wanted to make sure we perfected when it comes to using our dashboard was not only the speed of loading your data, but also the user experience on the interface.


So here is a rundown of a few of the Blockchainr features we’ve been working on to make sure you can customize your dashboard so you can have a smooth experience.


Check out this video here for the full list! 



  1. Light and dark mode

  2. USD to EURO conversion (switch between your preference to view your crypto balance)

  3. Filter your assets by chain for an in-depth analysis


And that’s just the beginning!


Login to Blockchainr with your crypto wallet, Gmail account, Twitter account or username and password combination and start customizing the way you track and manage your digital assets for the best possible experience.


If you have any questions in the meantime, reach out to us on Twitter or Telegram. We’d love to hear from you!

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